Week 22
Hmmmmmmmmmm unhappy about it being the last week of May!!! Not super comfortable with that tbqh!!!!
Today’s reads: The Unbroken by C.L. Clark, The Mask of Mirrors by M.A. Carrick
Week 21
Wow it sure is hot out, huh? I feel as though the pandemic has made any sense I had of the changing of seasons just completely go away. Who the hell knows at any point what the weather might be like outside?
Anyway. Books!
Week 20
Have I struggled yet with the fact that it’s May? April seemed like it went by completely in a rush, I cannot comprehend the passage of time.
The real tragedy is that I think I missed out on all my chances to make ‘Nsync jokes :(
Week 19
I seem to have gone down a bit of a thriller rabbit hole, which is always a dangerous place to be. I like thrillers and mysteries, but it’s a hard genre to get right, and it seems like it so often is steeped in ableism and other bigotries.
Ah well. Every so often I find a gem, I suppose.