Week 30
So this blog post is….late.
However, due to the magic of the internet, I can make it look not-late!
I think.
This week: IN THE RAVENOUS DARK by A.M. Strickland
Week 29
Where does time like…go.
Like I realize time is fake and the pandemic has only made this worse but! Somehow it is both mid-July AND I only managed to read one short little book this week! Gah!
This week: GUARDS! GUARDS! by Terry Pratchett
Week 28
Okay, so, now in the depths of July, my reading speed is slowing down. Though, I did pick up some non-fiction as well this week, and while I try to keep these reviews for fiction, I feel like it’s important to note that I read and really enjoyed WHAT WE TALK ABOUT WHEN WE DON’T TALK ABOUT FAT by Audrey Gordon, so. Y’know.
This week: The Chosen and The Beautiful by Nghi Vo
Week 27
How is it…July already. I mean, obviously, the passage of time, but also, jesus h. christ. Thinking of everyone dealing with the unprecedented heatwave right now.
Reviews may be slightly slower as we get into Camp NaNo, which, as per Twitter, I am attempting to do…calmly. Stay tuned.
This week: FOR THE WOLF by Hannah Whitten and SORROWLAND by Rivers Solomon