Lightning Round Reading Challenge - Begin!

Happy 2020 everyone, and welcome to the launch post for what I'm calling the Lightning-Round Reading Challenge, AKA the “2 Books A Week For A Year” Challenge, AKA the “why do you like to suffer, Erin?” challenge.

Basically, the challenge is such: every week this year, I will attempt to read two books. Yes, that means a total of 104 books read in the year 2020, if I am in fact successful. And, to add an extra level to this, I'll be posting a (likely short) review of each book at the end of every week.

You're free to read along with me, or just to enjoy my trials and tribulations. Also, feel free to recommend books! Ones you like, ones you're curious about, ones that you hated and want to see me suffer as well, all are welcome! I may not get them in the exact week after, but I'll try to get to them as soon as possible.

Tune in Friday, January 10th for the first post of the challenge, and the first two books, which are slated to be The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern and The Disasters by M.K. England.

Wish me luck!


LRRC Week 1