LRRC Week 17

I know I commented on this last week but I absolutely cannot believe that it's the first of May today. I know we're all experiencing the fact that time has gone totally wonky and that it's incredibly weird and nothing is normal and that these aren't new observations.


Let me start off by saying that I read very little historical fiction, and mostly picked this up because people I know have been really excited about it. I was surprised with how much I enjoyed it, even though there wasn't any magic or space battles.

It's a mystery, which I do generally enjoy, but for me that wasn't really the main takeaway. This book is set in the Joseon Dynasty of Korean history, which I know very little about (I don't know much about pre-modern history of Korea just generally, to be honest), so this was a really fascinating opportunity to dive directly into that history.

In fact, as soon as I was finished the book, I went and read up on a bunch of the actual historical context because I was so interested in it and wanted to know more about the time period the book took place in. I think the author made a good call in focusing in on what is generally a small story happening in the midst of all this, informed by the context but not made or broken by it.

I can't say that I ever got super invested in the mystery itself, but I liked the characters involved well enough and their dynamics were interesting. I felt like parts of it seemed a little bit anti-climactic, but the ending itself was satisfying and a good wrap-up to the story.

#34: IN VERITAS by C.J. Lavigne

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review! (Speaking of which, if you'd like to send me an ARC at any time I am happy to review them! Send me an email or a DM on twitter.)

First of all, I thought it was really fun to read an urban fantasy set in Ottawa. It's a pretty rare occurrence for me, and I found it fun to know exactly where things were happening and to be able to picture things much more vividly. So that was cool!

I found that the book started a little slowly. Probably the first 50-100 pages, I wasn't especially latching onto the story - I'm not entirely sure if that was due to me being distracted (pandemic-related stress is sometimes doing bad things to my ability to concentrate) or not. It could've been a style thing, as well - at first it did remind me a little bit of "A History of Glitter And Blood" which I reviewed........sometime in the last year, and did not enjoy.

Anyway, after that, though, I did genuinely get invested in the story and the characters. In particular, I thought the character of Colin was really interesting, and that Verity made for an interesting and unusual protagonist. Once I had a good grasp on the characters, I did want to keep reading, and I warmed up to the style quite a bit as well, which was good.

By the end of the book, I was having a really good time reading, and I was surprisingly emotionally affected by certain aspects of the climax. When I started reading, I didn't expect to get so caught up, which was a really pleasant surprise. I did find a few aspects of character motivation to be a bit confusing at times, but again, that may just be because my attention span is a little shot at the moment.

All in all, I was really satisfied by this book, and I had a good time!

#35: The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison
#36: Of Curses and Kisses by Sandhya Menon


LRRC Week 18


LRRC Week 16