Week 13

It continues to be very strange to me in a lot of ways that we’re in year two of the pandemic, that the weather is the same and the time of year is the same as when it all shut down originally.

Time continues to be fake, but somehow, books keep happening, so I keep going.

#17) PERSEPHONE STATION by Stina Leicht

Okay. Yeah.

This was sold to me as “Mandalorian-esque”, and I’m not sure that I’ve watched enough of that show to tell you whether or not that’s accurate. From what I have seen, I liked this better than The Mandalorian, so take that as you will.

“Persephone Station” follows a team of would-be criminals (very “thieves with a heart of gold” style), employed to work against the corporate overlords of the eponymous backwater planet and, in so doing, save the planet and the people living on it.

Lots of lovable assholes abound in this story, lots of found family vibes, and I was into all of it. I liked learning about the sort of criminal underbelly to this future world, and of course, enjoying the anti-corporate undertones as well. Also, most of the characters are women, many of the characters are queer, and that was a nice change to how I feel these stories usually are cast.

Really the thing that stood out to me was how much heart this story had, in ways that I didn’t expect it to. I found myself really caught up in the characters, invested in their journeys, and touched by how their stories ended.


Week 14


Week 12