Week 14
It’s April!
Spring is usually my favourite season, but there is something deeply sad to me about going into a second spring wherein COVID cases look grim, and we can’t do much of anything. I haven’t seen most of my friends for over a year, now.
Hey, remember when some people thought lockdown would make us all more productive? Wild.
Week 13
It continues to be very strange to me in a lot of ways that we’re in year two of the pandemic, that the weather is the same and the time of year is the same as when it all shut down originally.
Time continues to be fake, but somehow, books keep happening, so I keep going.
Week 12
The sun is coming out, the weather is (gradually) getting warmer, springtime is approaching!
An extremely large part of my mind still thinks we’re in spring 2020 and may never reemerge from that.
Week 11
Do you ever just feel like there are too many books?
I feel this way sometimes.
Anyway, uh, happy anniversary to COVID coming to Ottawa I guess.