LRRC Week 18
Another week already, huh? I can't decide if lockdown is moving slowly or flying by. I may have said that last week. I've lost all track of time and posts and oh god what's that??
LRRC Week 17
I know I commented on this last week but I absolutely cannot believe that it's the first of May today. I know we're all experiencing the fact that time has gone totally wonky and that it's incredibly weird and nothing is normal and that these aren't new observations.
LRRC Week 16
LRRC Week 15
I can't decide if time is moving faster or slower in quarantine. On one hand, it feels like every day takes so long to happen, but on the other hand, how is it already halfway through April?? When did that happen? Anyway apparently it's Friday so I've got some books for you.
LRRC Week 14
I didn't intentionally pick two books this week by Black authors, it just kind of happened that way, but whatever! If you haven't figured it out yet, I don't exactly plan out this schedule; it's based entirely around whether or not something I had at the library has come due or not (and if I've had a book sitting around for too long).
LRRC Week 13
Apparently it's April! I think I'm glad we're no longer in March - if I trust that the dates have actually proceeded as usual. But! I'm not engaging in rampant fear-mongering because I know that spikes MY anxiety and probably many other people's too.
Let's talk about books!!!
LRRC Week 12
Well, the world continues to be weird, huh? At least I'm properly working from home now, that's nice. And my contract job ends this week, so soon I'll have much more time to read! And will be doing so! Inside!!!
(Maybe I should drag a chair onto the fire escape?)
LRRC Week 11
Well, the name of the game is self-isolation, and you know what that means! More time for reading! Just ignore the fact that as of this writing, I'm still having to go into work. Boooooo.
LRRC Week 10
Hot damn y'all, we're up to 20 books! Also, I only have a couple weeks left at the very exhausting job, which is excellent news!
LRRC Week 9
I'm kind of lukewarm on both the books this week, and I can't tell if that's because I just generally wasn't into them, or if it's because I'm approaching burnout (due to work, not this, but it spills into every sector unfortunately). I hope it's not the latter - is it the end of March yet??